Monday, December 19, 2022

5 Gary Vee Quotes with Spanish translations

Here are five motivational quotes from Gary Vaynerchuk, mejor conocido como Gary Vee, presented in English and Spanish. Gary is a serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, and social media mogul, o sea Gary Vee es un emprendedor en serie, autor más vendido, y magnate de las redes sociales.

I couldn't find good Spanish translations for these quotes, entonces las traducciones de las citas hice yo. These are my translations of cinco citas motivacionales de Gary Vee.

Primero en inglés. Then in Spanish.

Number 1.

“Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, what do I want to do every day for the rest of my life? Do that.”

“Mírate en el espejo y pregúntate, ¿qué es lo que quiero hacer todos los días para el resto de mi vida? Haz esto.”

Número 2.

“Skills are cheap. Passion is priceless.”

“Los talentos son baratos. La pasión no tiene precio.”

Number 3.

“All your ideas may be solid or even good. But you have to actually execute on them for them to matter.”

“Todas tus ideas pueden ser sólidas o incluso buenas. Pero hay que ejecutarlas para que importen.”

Número 4.

“Your legacy is being written by yourself. Make the right decisions.”

“Tu legado está siendo escrito por tí mismo. Haz las decisiones correctas.”

Number 5.

“A penguin cannot become a giraffe, so just be the best penguin you can be.”

“Un pingüino no puede convertirse en jirafa, entonces sé sólo el mejor pingüino que puedas.”

Which of these quotes resonates most with you? ¿Sentiste más identificado con alguna de las citas que las otras? ¿Qué piensas de mis traducciones? ¿Cambiaría uno u otra de ellas? Do you agree with my translations? Would you change any of them?

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Becoming fluent in a second language is not easy

Becoming fluent in a second language is not easy. If it were, everyone would do it. Truth is, it takes a lot of effort. More effort than most people are willing to put in. Then there is the time. The traditional way of studying a language requires you to take classes that move along at a snail’s pace. You can only learn as quickly as the slowest person in the class.

Teachers tend to spend precious class time promoting “fun” activities and games in the classroom. These are geared more toward class retention than challenging students to become to become fluent. When you pay for a class, you want immediate value. And while you may not be able to learn very quickly, if the teacher plays their cards right you will be having so much fun that you will forget your main objective. At the end of the day, you are getting something out of the class, even if that something is not paving a pathway to fluency.

There are several factors that make learning a second language more difficult than learning your first. It can feel awkward and unnatural to produce sounds to which you are unaccustomed. Producing strange and unfamiliar sounds requires you to develop a new relationship with your mouth. Your teeth and your tongue will likely need to get to know each other in a new way. You may be called on to use your throat to produce new sounds. You might feel like you are hissing and squawking instead of just talking. As a result, until you have practiced manipulating your mouth and become comfortable making sounds in some wild and wonderful new ways, it can be too embarrassing to speak in front of others. You might give up before you try.

And when you are called on to try, only your teacher knows if you are doing it right. But you get feedback from a dozen or more others in the class who feel equally awkward and who, in response to you but driven by their own fears, will often giggle and lowkey make fun of you for your efforts. It is enough to make anyone give up on their dreams of fluency before they have even begun!

Puerto Rican Boxing Gloves on Rear View Mirror
As in boxing, in learning we must learn to bounce back after failure

But you know what? Suck it up, buttercup. When you lack the confidence of correctness, it is normal for adults to feel weird speaking in front of other learners. It is easy to get caught up in negative thinking. “They know better than I do. It’s easier for them than it is for me. They’ll laugh at me if I get it wrong. I feel and look like a fool!” But remember, perfection is the enemy of good. So the quicker you chill out and accept your flaws, the quicker you will learn that your failures are actually the building blocks of learning. 

Another problem with learning a language in a classroom setting is the constant fear of academic failure. In academics, students almost get addicted to their teacher's judgement. They rely on them to tell them if they are right or wrong. In real life, you will know you are correct when you are able to convey your message to others and be understood. You will be able to listen to others, and you will understand.

Perhaps ironically, academic success in a language class is not always a successful pathway to fluency. You can get all the answers right on written and even oral exams, but your unaddressed fears will keep you from meaningful interactions with native speakers, when and if you ever get a chance to meet any, that is. I know many people who studied Spanish for four years but never spoke the language outside a classroom.
Meanwhile, students who fail in traditional language classrooms are often the quickest to achieve fluency when faced with the need to speak the language in the real world. This is because those who fail in school come to rely on their instincts and develop street smarts to solve problems in real time. They skip the theoretical and move straight on to the practical. Classroom learning has that scenario flipped around.

In school, a person may be able to pick answers from the book and fill in the blanks to finish your homework. They may level up academically, but that same person's pride in perfection may lead them to avoid interactions with native speakers that are likely to make them feel like the know little to nothing at all. They never break through to the next level of fluency because they skip the more practical aspects of learning. Until you gain practice in the real world, where both the stakes and the rewards are higher than they are in the classroom, you will never come close to achieving the fluency you desire.

Why does it have to be so complicated? The first language came so easy to you, right? Well, that is because it was part of a natural biological and sociological process of trial and error that took place at a time when your brain had not yet developed a sense of embarrassment or shame. Babies and children learn quickly because they could care less if someone laughs at them. They love to laugh! Their developing brains cannot fathom that a laugh is something to be scared of. But as we get older, our brains register that same silly laugh as something to be afraid of. 

To become fluent in a second language, you must embrace the laughter of others when you make a mistake. It is funny, after all, when a person utters something nonsensical. So have fun with learning. Program your brain to realize that laughter as an opportunity to try again. Maybe ask the person who is laughing for advice on how to make the sound better. To truly and deeply learn new things, we must be bold at our first attempt, fearless in our failure, and curious enough to seek correction, Then we must be resilient enough to try and fail over and over again until we finally get it right.

Become like a child when you are practicing new language. Children seem to not care when they do something wrong. They are happy to simply babble on and on, mimicking the language spoken by those around them until they recognize in the expression of others that they finally have got something right. Then they repeat that thing over and over again until it becomes rote.

Soon, they throw in the other, more complicated sounds. Trying. Failing. Trying again. And the next thing you know, there is a major breakthrough in their ability to speak and be understood. Sounds become intelligible. Breakthrough. Words make their way into sentences. Breakthrough. Sentences become paragraphs. Breakthrough. In no time, the adults in the room who used to laugh at the cute nonsense coming out of their child's mouth long for some peace and quiet!

Adults can learn this way, too. But, we have to trick our brains to think like children in order to do it. You may feel like your brain is going to fight you every step of the way. But by skipping the traditional classroom setup and using the self-directed methods described in this book, your brain will learn to face discomfort and embrace the process. Your ability to overcome embarrassment and incorporate fear-free trial and error into your everyday life will catapult you to fluency more quickly than you ever thought possible.